Monday, July 2, 2007

God Bless Dr. G!

My estrogen came back low, so I started the stims on Friday. Yee-haaa!! Kind of like riding a bike, that nightly injection routine. I fell right back into my old rhythm and ritual like I hadn't ever stopped.

However, the other thing that started this weekend, in earnest, was the Lupron-induced headaches. Great googly moogly, the goddamn headaches! Speaking from the perspective of one who has suffered through probably 5 big migraine headaches in her life - truth be told, these little Lupron headaches are but a mere trifle by comparison. I mean, it's not like I must take to my bed or anything, BUT it is a miserable thing to have a persistent headache that just won't seem to go away. I was popping Advil like Pez candies all through the weekend, and in so doing, bought myself maybe an hour's worth of relief each time. And then, the blasted headache would come right back! Aaarrgh.

So, this morning I had my first wanding/monitoring session, and when Dr. G asked me how I was feeling, I was truthful. I told him that these Lupron headaches were cramping my style! The first thing he said was that I must stay away from Advil, Motrin, etc. Apparently ibuprofen could cause a "blood issue" when it comes time for retrieval. Not really sure what that means, but OK, he's the doctor, so I'll buy it.

Then he said that I really should be taking Tylenol instead. The nurse in the room sort of snorted when he said that, at which point Dr. G started laughing too, and admitted that Tylenol is really worthless for headache pain. He acknowledged that Tylenol did absolutely nothing for his own headache pain, and that he might as well swallow an M&M, as far as analgesic prowess was concerned.

Kind soul that he is, he offered to write me a prescription for Tylenol 3, should I so desire? I can't drive while taking that, or operate at full mental capacity for that matter - but at least, he reasoned, I could take a Tylenol 3 if a headache were to prevent me from sleeping. However, he continued on to say that actually, Tylenol 3 is hard on some folks stomach's, and in fact, why didn't he just go on and prescribe me some Vicodin? The fireworks on Wednesday would seem all the more effervescent after one of those babies! I, not being a complete FOOL, gladly accepted the scrip on my way out the door!

So, my presiding sentiment for today is one of thankfulness for the amazing bedside manner of my Dr. G. - a more caring and attentive doctor I haven't ever had the pleasure of meeting. It's interesting...the further I get into this experience at the new clinic, the more I notice the stark contrast between RE's. I would have had to grovel and beg at the previous clinic for any sort of sympathetic perspective, or even acknowledgment of discomfort - let alone a prescription! Please! The prevailing attitude at the previous clinic was kind of like - hey, you CHOSE to go through this treatment, and this is the reality of that treatment, so try not to be such a baby about it and suck it up.

Trying, trying not to think too far into the future as to the potential for success for this cycle. To allow myself to do so would invite emotional calamity, somehow. BUT, I have to say that Dr. G's manner is really causing me to have overall "good vibes" about our chances this time around. Plus, every time I talk to my Mom, she says she feels in her heart that this time will be 'it' for us. Oooohhhhh how I want to jump on that bandwagon with her!!

I report back on Thursday am for another wanding session. Until then, same dosage continues.....


Samantha said...

Dr. G sounds totally awesome! I'm sorry about the lu.pron headeaches, the stims also really help your headaches, as your E2 levels gets back up.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your headaches but glad you are getting a positive vibe from your RE!

megan said...

might dr. g. be on to something with the m&ms? :) he sounds awesome. i hope the headaches tone down a bit and that the T3 gives you some relief.

Baby Blues said...

I have good vibes about this upcoming cycle of yours too. Good luck K! Hope the headaches subside soon.

ms. c said...

So sorry about the headaches! That's awful. I hope the Tylenol 3 helps.
I'm excited that you are feeling the good vibes...

CAM said...

I get wicked headaches too from the various meds. Its all this playing with our hormones and our bodies can't keep up! My doc is also a Dr. G...I am glad you like yours as much as I like mine!!

LIW (Lady In Waiting) said...

I am just catching up....endless headaches are the WORST. I have suffered from them on and off for most of my adult life. I think taking a Vicodin once and a while is a great idea.

I have my fingers crossed for you. And I am glad to hear that everything seems to be going according to schedule!!