Sunday, July 22, 2007

Day 2 Fertilization Report

All 5 embryos are still thriving and dividing normally! Transfer will be Day 3, tomorrow, at 10:45am.


2 week wait begins tomorrow.....well, technically I guess it will be the 12 day wait. No matter, I will still be going out of my gourd the whole time. And against all sense of decorum and sanity, I'm planning to POAS at every opportunity, daily towards the end. I am not one for any sort of suspense, and I can't stand the thought of going in for a beta and getting a subsequent phone call without being able to prepare myself in advance for bad news.

More tomorrow!


Egged Out said...


megan said...

yea! so glad to hear that all five are doing well. i'll be thinking of you tomorrow!

Jujube said...

That is great news! Wonderful news!

Heather said...

Yeah! Good luck on your transfer tomorrow! I totally agree on testing. Must be prepared for all outcomes. But I'm keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you!

Baby Blues said...


Btw, keeping my blog cozy. Please email me at so I could invite you over.

In Search of Morning Sickness said...

Wow, that is GREAT news! Rest up after ET, ok? Plus, how're the ovaries looking as far as OHSS? I know you got it last time, hopefully the carefulness of the doc kept that from being a prob this time!