Monday, July 30, 2007

Spotting - UPDATED

I'm spotting, just a tiny, tiny bit.

This is exactly the same thing that happened in my last IUI. I convinced myself for 2 whole days that it was implantation spotting, and then, my period arrived in full glory.

It's far too late for implantation spotting at 7dp3dt, isn't it? Yes, I know, it is. I think this might be it for this cycle. Just like last time, my body won't even do me the courtesy of making it to beta...

I can't believe this.


OK, first of all, thank you, thank you, thank you to Jeanie and Samantha and others for your reassuring comments. I have managed to talk myself out of the defeatist attitude from earlier today. I'm not CONVINCED that it's all over, but I'm still skeptical.

The spotting only happened that one time, in the bathroom at work this afternoon. It was gone when I went back the next time. It was pink and brown, not red. But still....


Heather said...

I'm so sorry. Sh(t!

jeanie said...

Please don't assume the worst. My RE claims that over 50% of the women in his practice have spotting in the early weeks of pregnancy (and most have a good outcome too!) I also have a friend who had spotting with both of her pregnancies (starting around DPO 10). I want to reassure you, but of course I have no special insight into what's going on with you. This could be bad; It also could be a good sign. I'm worried for you and also hopeful. Yep, still very hopeful. This is so hard and I so wish it wasn't-- for you and for all of us.

Samantha said...

I hope the spotting doesn't mean what you think it does. I do want to echo Jeanie in that my clinic says spotting on progesterone is common and in no way to stop taking it until you have your beta. Still, I understand where you are coming from.

jeanie said...

Sorry-- I wanted to add something. 7dp3dt is the same as 10 days past ovulation, correct? (Sorry, I haven't done IVF.) Implantation (as I understand it) is a process, not an event. The best study I could find a year or so when I was looking found that "Among the pregnancies that lasted six weeks or more, the first appearance of chorionic gonadotropin occurred 6 to 12 days after ovulation; 118 women (84 percent) had implantation on day 8, 9, or 10."

So much for the myth of the day 7 implantation, right? I guess that's why it's sometimes referred to as the implantation window. Anyway, if Wilcox is right, what you are having most certainly could be implantation bleeding.

Of course, there is no way to know right now if it is or isn't. That just sucks. I wish I could say something to make you feel better, but this is the best I can do. I just don't think you should completely give up yet.

megan said...

hurrah for jeanie. i was going to point you to something similar. that said, there's just no way of knowing right now. i hope it's the good kind of spotting though!

jeanie said...

re: update
Great news! In my limited experience, spotting that is a prelude to a full-blown period doesn't stop and then start again later, so I think that's a good sign.

Ann said...

Yet another thing to add to the chorus: I had spotting on the day I took my (positive) pregnancy test (16dpo). In fact, when I wiped after POAS, I thought I'd just wasted $4!

Heather said...

I'm rereading your post now and realize you didn't say your period came in this time after the spotting. I'm still pulling for a BFP. Good luck!

In Search of Morning Sickness said...

Oh my goodness.... Just really hoping this IS implantation.... Keep posting your thoughts, don't leave us out.... How're the POAS's coming? Still got the trigger in your system?

CAM said...

This could totally be implantation spotting! My friend (also an if-er) spotted for days. It was on and then off - and she is due any day now. Seems like its all different.
Fingers are crossed!! :)

Baby Blues said...

Still hoping the spotting is from implantation.

Kellie with an "ie" said...

I don't have any insight into whether it's implantation bleeding - I've never gotten that far, as you know, but I'm hoping and praying for you and am sending lots of love and hugs your way!