Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Is it in yet??

OMG, we just did the trigger shot, and here's an excerpt from the conversation btw me and R:

R: "OK sweetie, are you ready?"

K: "Um, yeah, I guess so." (voice shaking, palms sweating, on the verge of tears)

R: "Are you sure? Are you ready?"

K: "Yeah, yeah, I'm ready. I'M READY!" (at this point, I had the bathroom counter top in a death grip, and was panting in anticipation of the jolt of pain)

R: "OK baby, here we go..."

K: "Ok, ok, okokokokokokokokokokok..."

R: ......

K: (pant, pant, pant, grind fingernails into counter)

R: ........

K: "Is it in yet? IS IT IN THERE YET?????!!!!!!!!!!"

R: "OK, I'm going to press the plunger in now, ready?"

K: "You mean it's in already? You put it all the way in? Are you sure it's all the way in there???"

R: "Yeah, it's all the way in."

K: "Are you sure? Did you pull back on the plunger? Was there any blood? Did you check for blood? Are you SURE???!!!"

R: "Yes, yes, no blood. It's all over. I pushed the medicine all the way in, it's over."

K: "WHAT?? Are you SURE? I didn't feel it?? I didn't feel a thing - I mean, I didn't even feel at all! I can't believe it! I can't believe I didn't feel it AT ALL!!!"

R: "Oh shit."

K: "WHAT??!!!"

R: "I just pulled it out and you're bleeding everywhere - hand me something, quick!"

R & K: (after pasting a bandaid on my frozen ass) "We did it! We actually did it!"

K: (ever the voice of doom and gloom) "I didn't feel that AT ALL. I can't believe it!.....But, the progesterone in oil will be much harder, because it's so much thicker. I'm sure THAT will hurt...."

Immediately after R left the bathroom, I started crying. From relief. I had worked myself up into such a frenzy while mixing up the diluent with the hcg powder because those fucking needles are SO. FUCKING. HUGE. I was shaking when I handed the goddamn thing back to R. I just couldn't believe I was going to have to take that gigantic needle in my ass every night for God knows how long. It looked like it was about the size of steak knife for fuck's sake.

Oooooooooooooooh thank you thank you thank you thank you Lord for ice packs. Thank GOD I couldn't feel it! I am heaving such a huge sigh of relief right now, you have no idea. Well actually, most of you do have a very good idea. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww.

I can totally take it if the PIO hurts when the medicine goes into my muscle, I am fine and dandy with bruises and muscle pain and not being able to sit down the next day. But I don't know if I could take it if I had to feel that 6 foot long needle going in every time, I really don't. Thank you Lord!

Next hurdle, Friday morning's retrieval.



Heather said...

I told you that you can't feel the big needles at all. My other thing is not to look at them. DH used to mix all our meds and I wouldn't look at the needle he was about to put in me. It just doesn't seem possible. I never used an ice pack ahead of time and I never felt it. The PIO don't hurt as much as it takes longer to get the medicine in, but you need a heating pad and rubbing afterward to make sure the medicine doesn't all ball up in one place.

In Search of Morning Sickness said...

I'm not laughing at you.... and yet I am laughing at you! However, honestly, I was pretty worried about my 1st shot. So I'm only laughing b/c you were just like me! :)
I've been cautious about my feelings on the PIO, but I figure gosh, I never had trouble with anything else, no need to worry! Let us know when you start those (today, right?) how they feel!
ER tomorrow, right?!?!? WOW!

Baby Blues said...

Congratulations, good job on triggering! Good luck on the upcoming retrieval.

Jujube said...
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Jujube said...

So retrieval is coming up very soon! My advice regarding the retrieval: if they offer you prescription drugs for the pain, take them! And take at least a day off of work if you can. My ovaries were pretty sore, and I felt so bloated after the procedure. Even sitting was uncomfortable. You are probably familiar with the feeling from OHSS, maybe this won't be so bad for you. Oh, and my boobs were sore, but I think that was from the progesterone. Definitely try to take it easy after the retrieval.

You'll get used to the PIO shots - they really were not as bad as I thought they would be. Like Heather, I never did use an ice pack, and I didn't really have much soreness at the injection site. I just massaged the area afterwards like she suggested. But everyone is different, so just do whatever you need to do to make things as painless as possible!

Wishing you all the best at the egg retrieval!

Jujube said...

Just read your previous post. You will get to talk to the anesthesiologist before the retrieval. He starts you on an IV of just fluid to keep you hydrated. He is a very nice guy, and will make you most comfortable! Right after the retrieval, I actually felt refreshed, like waking up from the best sleep.... A few hours later was a different story! :-)

ms. c said...

I can totally believe you would be crying from relief. WOW, you are one tough chick!

You follies sound great and I wish you an easy retreival tomorrow!

Egged Out said...

good luck on the retrieval!

Les said...

I have been using 25 gauge needles for the PIO shots and it makes a big difference takes a little bit longer to get pio in, but no bruising and no bleeding. Good luck!