Monday, December 10, 2007

Angel in Alabama

Sometime last week, just a few short days after pouring out my heartache on this blog, I arrived home to find a package on my doorstep. It turned out to be an unexpected gift from Kellie, my angel in Alabama.

She sent me a beautiful little figurine, as well as the most inspiring and tear-jerking card you've ever read. Kellie's main message was this: I understand your pain, I'm sorry you're hurting, and there is reason to hope.

This unbelievably kind gesture from a woman 1,000 miles away who I've never even met - it lifted me up indescribably. It also brought on yet another freshet of tears - but not the same desperate kind of the past few weeks. These were tears to acknowledge that Kellie's words might? will? definitely will? come true: "K, you WILL be a mom."

This beautiful little figurine, with its little arms and hands outstretched, and its small face turned up to God - it's the last thing I look at before I go to bed each night. It is a heartwarming and much appreciated reminder to keep Hope alive.

Thank you Kellie, your gift means more to me than you will ever know!


Caba said...

beautiful. Made me cry just seeing that beautiful figurine. It is helpful to have wonderful friends while on this journey.

In Search of Morning Sickness said...

That is so lovely, and just such a kind thoughtful way to send a little love your way.

I, too, have felt unbelievably down, though moreso this month than last. I feel abandoned by all my IRL friends because they have SUCH AWESOME LIVES and don't need MY sadness and grief being in their view. It sucks that all the awesome people live far away, doesn't it???

CAM said...

Very sweet. And it is a good thing to have hope.

Kellie with an "ie" said...

I meant every word, K, and thank you for this sweet post. It made me cry.

Yoka said...

Welcome to the D.C. Stirrup Queens Group. I am also new to the group and hope we can connect soon. We also live in Nova.

Heather said...

The gift of hope, a beautiful thing to hold onto indeed.

Jenna said...

Oh my goodness, how wonderful.

Sometimes I forget that the words we use in our blog go further than the screen they appear on. How fantastic to know that your story has touched someone so deeply.


Baby Blues said...

Hugs to women like Kellie. She's right in saying that you're not alone in this, but sure feels that way at times. I hope the Holidays cheered you up and you're now stepping into 2008 renewed with high hopes.

the Babychaser: said...

DC Stirrup Queens? Can I join? (Oh, God. Did I just sound eager to be a part of this club?)

Everything is making me cry this week. Usually the new year makes me feel better--holidays are behind me and there's new hope, and all that--but this year I'm a giant weepy mess.

Anyway, almost three years into infertility and not enjoying my veteran status. I'm joining the blogosphere in hope of finding an emotional safe haven.

Here's to 2008, and the miracles of modern medicine.

Tarah said...

Just so you know... it was Alexis Stewart commenting on your earlier post. I sent her the blog link. I thought she would be interested.

Char said...

Hi K
I found your blog on a link via "It Could Take 3 Months" and I'm really happy I chased that rabbittrail and found your blog. I can so relate to what you're experiencing. I hope this new year holds the realization of your dreams - a beautiful, healthy, baby born of your own womb.