Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Just checking in....

Well, I have absolutely nothing of interest to report, but was feeling delinquent for not having posted anything lately!

We're just killing time until our vacation to the Outer Banks in NC next week. Woooo-hoooooo! So, hum drum, ho hum, bring on the beach vacation and accompanying cocktails! I'm soooooo ready for a vacation, I can't even tell you.

Did I tell you that my master plan of manipulating the birth control pills to time perfectly with the end of our vacation was foiled? Curses!! Dr. G said that I couldn't stay on the BCPs for 5 consecutive weeks, because the risk of over-suppression was too great - especially for a long-responder like me.

So, I have to take 2 whole months of pills. Boo hiss. Luckily the first pack ended last week, so I'm getting my blasted period out of the way this week. The good news is that I won't have to contend with a period whilst swimming in ocean, pool, or hot tub next week, nor will it cramp our opportunities for vacation er, romance. Thank God!

Bad news though, is that instead of being able to start stims IMMEDIATELY upon returning home from vaca, I'll have to wait an additional 3 weeks. You know that doesn't set well with my immediate gratification driven psyche, but what can I do?

I guess that does give us a stay of execution in terms of writing the enormous check to pay for this next round. So that's good.

Anyway, just wanted to say that I'm still here, and still keeping tabs on each of your blogs. Wishing all the best for each one of you!


In Search of Morning Sickness said...

Good to hear from you!!! I HATE BCP's!!! Seriously, are they REALLY that helpful? I'd love to see some doctors say they're not (that'll never happen I'm sure!). SO sorry you have to wait longer. I hate waiting too. The outer banks are nice, have fun there!!!! And yeah, I enjoyed a bunch of cocktails last week before this IVF started, that was fun (black currant martini was top fav!).

Samantha said...

Enjoy your trip to the Outer Banks! It should be nice and not so crowded now that schools are back in session.

Heather said...

Enjoy your vacation and the recreational hanky panky! Good luck on your next cycle, even though you have to wait the three weeks after you get back.

megan said...

i love the outer banks. i haven't been there in....maybe 18 years? i hope it's just as lovely as it was then. glad you checked in. i hope you have a great holiday!

CAM said...

So nice to hear from you! I can't say much about the BCP's - my doc never had me on them...
The vacation sounds like a great relaxing time! Enjoy!

Changing Expectations said...

Glad that you posted. We just got back from OBX and loved our trip. Hope that you have a great time.

I hate BCP's, waste of time, make me too emotional, yada yada. They just suck.