Monday, February 19, 2007

No big deal

It's funny how I went through all this build up and hype when I was waiting to start injections, and the first few nights I felt like it was this HUGE production. I'd go into the bathroom a full 15 minutes before the time I was supposed to take the shot, compulsively scrub my hands with anti-bacterial soap, swab the entire surface of the vanity with copious amounts of rubbing alchohol, lay out the syringe, needle, Q*cap contraption, vials of meds, etc. in very orderly fashion, consult the printed instructions (with pictures!) 86 times before beginning the process, etc., etc. It all seemed so intimidating and laborious.

Fast forward one DH and I go out to eat quite frequently (TOO frequently), and for the past two nights I've tossed my meds and needles in an insulated lunch bag, and shot-up in the ladies room of various restaurants! I decided that I couldn't be prisoner to the have-to-be-home-at-10pm-to-take-my-shot situation, and that the shots were just going to have to fit into our social calendar!

Now my little painless shot seems like such a non-event! Especially after talking to a fellow infertile friend at dinner last night, who described her last IVF protocol which had her taking shots at 5 different times during the day, including those painful intra-muscular ones. UGH! My measly little Bravelle shot pales in comparison to that.

Funny, how your perspective can change so quickly.




ellie said...

Yes, it is funny how a big deal suddenly becomes old hat. :) I wish you luck with your cycle--If nothing else the injectibles are way way more pleasant the clomid on your emotional self. You hubby will appreciate that.

ellie said...

Yes, it is funny how a big deal suddenly becomes old hat. :) I wish you luck with your cycle--If nothing else the injectibles are way way more pleasant then the clomid on your emotional self. Your hubby will appreciate that. Ok, I correct my lack of typing skills so it made sense

Keeping The Faith said...

I'm so glad you commented on my blog. Thanks for the support. I am so glad I started blogging. I've found such a wealth of support and friendship. It truly helps to know that you may make a difference in someone elses journey b/c they will learn and maybe ask more questions b/c of your experiences. I've learned so much from this community.

I hope this cyle goes well for you. I'll be stopping by and cheering you on.


Anonymous said...

Hi, nice to leave a message on a virgin blog :).

Best of luck with this cycle, you'll love blogging, some people can be amazing support and it really is a good outlet!

Watson said...

Hi K!

Thanks for your nice comment on my blog, that just totally made my day.


I am so happy to read your post, because we're starting the injections this Sun. and quite honestly, I'm freaking out a bit.

(But I do tend to be a major drama queen!)

I'm glad that you seem to be in the swing of things and I want to wish you all the best!! I'll be back to see how everything is going.

And it's too bad we don't live closer because we could all meet for dinner and then you and I could 'shoot up' in the ladies room...GOOD TIMES!


ms. c said...

Hi K-
Welcome, and I hope you don't have to stay here long. I hope blogging brings you the comfort you are looking for- the ladies (and some gents) around here are fantastic!
I relate to so much of what you have written (the ovaries doing nothing, the waiting, the shots...)
I'll be beack to check on this cycle's progress, but in themeantime I want to wish you much luck!